Q: How long will My Hair take to Loc?
A: On Average, The Locking Process takes 6-9 months. Fortunately for you, I now offer Instaloc Services. Come in with an Afro and Leave Loc'd up!
Q: What can I use on my Hair at home?
A: Do Not use Hair Conditioner on Locs. Use Sulfate Free Shampoos for Natural Hair and Locs. Oils are the best form of Moisturizers for Natural Hair and Locs.
Q: Will Braids make my hair grow faster?
A: Kind of... Your Hair Naturally sheds 80-100 strands per day. Protective styles like Braids help to minimize daily shedding. This means that you will notice less shedding and inevitably longer strands.
Q: How long will it take to go Natural?
A: While you may begin to notice unrelaxed new growth in a matter of weeks, it can take up to 2 years or more for your body to completely purge Chemical Deposits made from YEARS of Relaxers and Chemical Treatments. During this transition, your hair texture may change several times.